Versions Compared


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Spécificité France

Vue d'ensemble
La section Caisse fonctionne de la manière expliquée dans l'article principal de TW Pro - Caisse

La seule différence majeure est la possibilité, pour les partenaires français, de supprimer non seulement le dernier reçu de la journée, mais aussi tous les reçus émis le jour même.

Le MPOP est la caisse enregistreuse utilisée pour gérer les paiements.

Archives fiscales
Comme l'exige la réglementation fiscale de ce pays, le SaaS offre la possibilité de télécharger les données fiscales des mois précédents.

L'exportation peut être effectuée en suivant le chemin Profil>Exportation personnalisée.

Le document est un fichier .zip contenant plusieurs fichiers .csv avec des informations sur les reçus, les factures, les méthodes de paiement et le journal des événements techniques.

The Cash is found in the Menu. In this section you will find a bar on your left, with two tabs, "In progress“ & "Receipt issued“. There is a preview on the right, and a mini receipt-icon on the top right.

In the bar on your left you can find:

  • In Progress > clients that are in the salon

  • Receipt Issued > receipts that are given to the client

  • Search field > We can use it to search the client in the salon at the moment, or the receipt issued during the day

  • Icon + > We can use this icon to add a client in my salon and complete my receipt.

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*VAT field: this field is not set by default for any venue. Can be set by AA (enabling the option"Show VAT on Products and Services") whether the salons wants to sell products and services with a VAT different from the default one set in their Venue Setting. If the option is enabled, the VAT% is by default the venue one. The salon can change the % clicking on the VAT field and choosing the right option.

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On your right, you'll see the preview of the receipt and above, you can find the receipt icon; Clicking on this icon you can find the daily cash recap, aka the End of Day report.

03/2023: the modal to add services in Cash has been changed with the following one:

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The change was done in order to:

  • unify the interface and make it more cohesive with the other modals that we use in the SaaS (in the resources section for example)

  • Change the logics of which treatments are displayed in the modal, in order to accommodate the treatment variants


Important terms

  • Discount > field dedicated to give a discount to clients. You can choose if % or €. If on the client profile exists a Marketing Promotion, this field shows the name of the promotion

  • Bundles and Promotion > field where the app shows us any active bundles or promotions that the client has on his profile

  • Total Discount > the sum of all the discounts in the summary before saving the movement

  • Outstanding > it is when the client doesn’t pay the salon, if the salon uses this function it creates a running tab for the client. Next time on top of the client’s name there will be a red banner with the amount they need to settle

  • Credits > Prepaid Credits or vouchers that a client has on their profile. Are amounts linked to previously paid amount or an amount that the salon give to the customer

  • Receipt > the document that the salon gives to the client, this payment will be registered in the fiscal recap of the day

  • Quote > it's created as a price estimate. The salon does not register the movement on their fiscal daily recap, but still takes the amount

    La caisse se trouve dans le menu. Dans cette section, vous trouverez une barre sur votre gauche, avec deux onglets, "En cours" et "Reçu émis". Il y a un aperçu sur la droite, et une mini icône de reçu en haut à droite.

    Dans la barre de gauche, vous pouvez trouver :

    • Client das le salon > clients dont le rendez vous à été check-in ou ouvert depuis la caisse

    • Ticket émis> tickets qui ont été créé et validé suite a l’encaissement des clients

    • Champ de recherche> Nous pouvons l'utiliser pour rechercher le client qui se trouve dans le salon à ce moment-là, ou le reçu délivré au cours de la journée.

    • Icone + > Nous pouvons utiliser cette icône pour ajouter un client dans la caisse et compléter le reçu, soit en recherchant une fiche client existante ou en sélectionnant homme femme enfant autre.

    Image Added

    *Champ TVA : ce champ n'est pas défini par défaut pour les établissements. Il peut être défini par AA (en activant l'option "Afficher la TVA sur les produits et services") si le salon souhaite vendre des produits et services avec une TVA différente de celle définie par défaut dans les paramètres du lieu. Si l'option est activée, le pourcentage de TVA est par défaut celui du lieu. Le salon peut modifier ce pourcentage en cliquant sur le champ TVA et en choisissant la bonne option.

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    Sur votre droite, vous verrez l'aperçu du reçu et au-dessus, vous trouverez l'icône du reçu ; en cliquant sur cette icône, vous trouverez le récapitulatif quotidien de la caisse, alias le rapport de fin de journée.

    03/2023 : le module pour ajouter des services dans Cash a été changé avec le module suivant :

    Image Added

    Ce changement a été effectué dans le but de :

    • d'unifier l'interface et de la rendre plus cohérente avec les autres fenêtres que nous utilisons dans le SaaS (dans la section des ressources par exemple)

    • Modifier la logique d'affichage des traitements dans la fenêtre , afin de prendre en compte les différentes variantes de traitement.


    Termes Importants

    • Réduction> champ dédié à l'octroi d'une remise aux clients. Vous pouvez choisir entre % et €. Si le profil du client contient une promotion marketing, ce champ indique le nom de la promotion.

    • Abonnements et promotions>champ dans lequel l'application nous montre les offres groupées ou les promotions actives que le client a sur son profil.

    • Reduction sur le total > la somme de toutes les remises dans le récapitulatif avant d'enregistrer le mouvement

    • Impayé> c'est lorsque le client ne paie pas le salon, si le salon utilise cette fonction, il crée un compte courant pour le client. La prochaine fois, le nom du client sera surmonté d'un bandeau rouge indiquant le montant qu'il doit régler.

    • Crédits > Crédits ou bons prépayés qu'un client a sur son profil. Il s'agit de montants liés à un montant payé précédemment ou d'un montant que le salon donne au client.

    • Ticket > le document que le salon remet au client, ce paiement sera enregistré dans le récapitulatif fiscal du jour

    • Devis > il est créé comme une estimation de prix. Le salon n'enregistre pas le mouvement sur son récapitulatif fiscal quotidien, mais il prend quand même le montant.

    How to get a receipt

    • When you change the status of an appointment from the Calendar by the check-in button, you’ll find the appointment appears in the Cash section, with all the information under the tab, “In Progress”:

    1. name of the client

    2. treatment performed

    3. staff member who served the customer for each item

    4. item price

    • items can be removed using the bid icon, ex. as the service performed is different from the one booked in the first place


    When the salon removes the treatment booked in the cash, the appointment will not show on the Calendar.


    It is important to add the staff member for all treatments and products in the summary because without this information, the app does not save the receipt and it shows a banner with an error message.

    • the salon should confirm the receipt after choosing the payment method.


    Add customers directly from Cash Section

    Clicking on the + at the top left of the section is possible to:

    • select a generic customer male/female/child/other or

    • look for an existing customer using the search field and select it when it shows up

    After saving the receipt, you can look at the preview on “Receipt Issued” tab.

    Modify services/products price

    Clicking on the Price field it’s possible to modify the price of a product (only for that transaction) or for a treatment.

    Modifying a price:

    • that price become the customer’s “custom price” for future transactions. For more info about customer’s custom information click here

    • that price will be the one visible for the customer during next online bookings

    • in future transactions, the price field will show a blue clock if the personalized price is applied that moment (online bookings)

    • in future transactions, the price field will show a grey clock. It means that there is a personalized price, but that is not applied for that transaction. Clicking on the grey clock the custom price will appears.

    How to remove a custom price

    It’s possible to remove a custom price in any moment this way:

    • if there is a blue clock: modify the price setting back the service standard price. After the checkout the custom price will be no more visible in the future, neither from AA

    • if there is a grey clock: click on the clock. The custom price will appears. Modify that price ex. setting back the service standard price. After the checkout the custom price will be no more visible in the future, neither from AA

    • from AA, following procedure indicated here.

    How to get an Invoice

    Follow the same steps of the paragraph above.

    Invoices are not available for the german market.

    Invoices can be sent by email if the email option has been set from Venue setting (Can email receipt option enabled).

    To create an invoice some fields have to be filled in customer’s Info section. Fields to fill can change depending on the country impacted.


    Invoices follow different rules by country so it’s not possible to provide a full list of information here. Invoices we can send to customers not always have legal validity. This depends on the specific country.


    In countries like Italy Invoices can be linked to our FIC (Fatture in Cloud) system, so the invoice preview we send to customers doesn’t have legal validity


    How to get a Quote

    The process is the same of an invoice or receipt.

    There are same limitations:

    • Packages with discount and Vouchers are not compatible. If the Quote option is selected, the discount/promo will disappear after clicking on Quote

    • not possible to sell Subscription Bundles and Prepaid Cards

    • not possible to sell present in the Warehouse (but possible otherwise)


    • not possible to send out the email of the transaction (the Can Email Receipt option Venue Setting is only applicable to receipts and invoices.).


    Promotions applied to the cart

    Promo can be manually added to the cart clicking on:

    • Edit (any kind of promo except form Vouchers)

    • Add to add vouchers and prepaid cards

    Active promos should be automatically applied to the cart but there are some exceptions

    If some promo are applied, they will reduce the total amount to pay. Remember that:

    • if there is a prepaid card active, to add some voucher amount to the cart active on the customer the partner will have to click on Add in Credits section and manually select the promo

    • if a prepaid card with a discount % is active, it’s possible to use the residual amount of the promo clicking on the coins icon (but this way the customer will lose the possibility to take advantage of the discount amount linked to the promo

    • it’s possible to modify promo applied to the cart clicking on Edit in the Bundles and Promotions section



    • promo applied in Bundles and Promotions section are the ones with the higher discount %, helping this way to reduece the total amount to pay for the customer

    • a prepaid card is not automatically applied to the cart if the service/product price is higher than the residual amount of the promo: ex. cart including a Blow dry (50€), residual prepaid card amount 10€. To add the promo to the cart: click on Add and select the promo

    • if in the cart there are more items and the prepaid card residual amount is lower than the total amount to pay (total of the cart):

      • the promo will be applied only to the service that costs less then the residual promo amount (screenshot 1)

      • to use the full residual amount of the promo, will be needed to click on Coins icon (screenshot 2)

    In the example below we have a residual amount of the prepaid card = 20€ with a 20% off on services/products on which the promo is applied


    How to check customer’s promotions and sell/activate promos

    Clicking on the Subscriptions and Promos button will be possible to:

    • check the list of promo applied to the customer (active, expired and archived ones) from the Client’s Promo section

    • check subscription bundles and prepaid cards the customer buy for someone else

    • activate or sell a promo to the customer, clicking on the + icon and:

      • selecting an already existent promo or

      • creating a new promo or

      • associating a promo gifted using a code

    How to associate/sell a promo to a customer

    • add the customer in Cash if not already present

    • click on Subscriptions and Promos

    • click the + icon

    • select a promo from the list or create a new promo

    • click on:

      • Sell/Link to transaction for paid promos (prepaid cards and subscription bundles) or

      • Activate for not paid promos

    • complete the checkout

    How to create a new promo for a specific customer

    1. lick on Subscriptions and Promos

    2. click the + icon

    3. select Create Custom Promotion and select the kind of promo

    Details about how to create a promo are given in the specific promo page:


    If a personalized promo is created but the partner doesn’t complete the activation/selling, in few hours, the promo won’t be visible anymore in customer’s promo section and will be necessary to do the operation again.

    How to reedem a promo using a code

    A code can be added to redeem a promotion (promotions that allows codes are generic discount, packages, prepaid bundles and prepaid cards).

    Codes are:

    • manually created by partners when they create a generic discount/package with the Redemption With Code option and add a code in the related field (see screenshot below) or

    • generated automatically when a prepaid card/subscription bundle is created and sold as a gift

    To active a promo using a code:

    • add the customer in Cash

    • click on Subscriptions and Promos

    • click on the + icon

    • select Reedem With Code

    • insert the code and confirm

    A useful video explaining how to active a prepaid promo using a code is visible here

    How to check promo a customer bought as a gift

    Promo bought for others are visible in the customer’s promotion section>Promotional Gift

    The code to reedem the promo is visible until the recipient of the promo doesn’t reedem it. When the redemption is done, in the gifter section will be displayed date of activation and recipient name instead


    A prepaid card/bundle can be sold as a gift and then associated to the gifter instead that to other people


    How to delete/archive a promo from a customer

    Promotions can be:

    • deleted/removed from the single customer (generic discounts, packages, vouchers and discount cards)

      • clicking on Subrscription and Promos>selecting the promo>Delete>Confirm

    • archived (prepaid bundles and cards): The partner can click on Subrscription and Promos>selecting the promo>Archive>Confirm. These promos:

      • will keep stay visible in customer’s promo section

      • could be reactivated any moment using the Restore botton (that replace the Archive one after the archiviation)


    For fiscal reasons, paid promos can’t be deleted forever. The archiviation is the right way to manage them.

    How to reload a prepaid promo

    Paid promo can be recharged (Top Up button) if they have been partially or totally used.

    The promo is reloaded to restore the amount (or quantity of services and products) the promo had at the beginning.

    To do this operation:

    • add the customer in Cash

    • click on Subscriptions and Promos

    • select the promo>Top Up

    • complete the checkout

    How to create a debt

    If the customer can pay part or the full amount of the receipt:

    • fill the outstanding section with the amount will be paid in the future (ex. 2€)

    • select the payment method if part of the amount is paid that moment insted (ex. 13€ in the example)

    • click on Finish and print

    • a banner will appears. Here the partner has to add the staff member manage the cash register that moment and if a reminder (for the partner) has to be set

    How can I delete the receipt

    How can I delete the receipt

    You can delete only the last receipt with Owner user, you can do it with these steps:

    • go to Cash;

    • “Receipt Issued” section, TreatwellPRO shows the last receipt;

    • Delete;

    • complete the fields with the user (email) and password;

    • Confirm.

    After this action, the customer will be recharged at the checkout, in the section “In Progress”.


    If the salon does not want to give the owner access to its employees, we can propose to it to change the ACL receptionist. Here are more details about ACL /wiki/spaces/PSKM/pages/3317104719

    How can I view all the receipts

    You can view all the receipts by “Receipt Issued” section:

    • log in with user and password, you can find the field down on your left;

    • the program loads all the receipts;

    • if you use the owner user and password, you’ll be able to look at all the receipts and quotes.

    How can I close the fiscal day

    • select the receipt icon up on your right

    • log in with user and password (Receptionist or Owner of the salon)

    That moment a recap will be shown. It’s also possible to compare datas with the same day of last year, in grey (it consider the same day of the same week of the year, counting the week number, ex. 2022’s week 1 is from 3 to 9/1/22)

    • click on close and send email/print fiscal day.

    After clicking on Close and Send Email will be possible to:

    • select YES:

      • if a Main printer is set in AA. A document will be printed

      • if a Main printer is not set in AA. In that case nothing will be printed

    • select Don’t Print



    It’s not possible to close a fiscal day if no receipts have been done.

    In this window you can find all information about the day:

    • Number of transactions

    • Gross amount

    • Comparison with the same day last year

    • Payment type

    • If during the day someone had used a prepaid credit to pay for something.


    If you use the owner user and password, you’ll be able to look the total of receipts and quotes of the current day.


    It’s recommended to complete the fiscal closure on the same day.

    If the fiscal closure is not done on the same day of receipts the partner will be asked to do it when trying to print the first receipt of the day after (unless the automatic closure is set for the venue). That moment won’t be any case possible to complete checkouts not done the day before, leading to fiscal info missing in statistics.


    From AA it’s possible to set the automatic closure of the day.

    To enable this setting flag the Fiscal Day Automatic Closure in the Venue setting.

    If the Petty Cash is enabled the automatic closure don’t have to be enabled.


    This is not the recommended option as the salon this way can’t easily check the recap of the day.

    It’s not possible to set an automatic closure of the day if the salon has a fiscal printer linked to the SaaS.

    Appointments without Checkout

    If after an appointment’s check-in partners forget to complete the checkout the same day (ex. the customer stay in Cash until the end of the day or is canceled and not added again in Cash):

    • won’t be possible to complete the checkout the day after

    • no fiscal statistics will be created in the Manager

    So for salon i’ts very important to complete all checkouts before the fiscal closure!


    • If after clicking on Finish to complete a checkout nothing happens please check if for all services and products:

      • the staff member has been selected

      • the price has been inserted

      • product’s name field is filled

    • If a Product is not valid error appears check Products details in Warehouse>Products. List of proper setting for a product are listed here. Reach out to #product-support if needed to get support.

    • If a Venue needs valid fiscal fields setup during the first checkout (invoice, receipt or quote) appears it means that Venue resource counter have not been created or properly set up.

    For more info about resource counter check out this wiki page AA: Venue Resource Counters

    • If a venue creates a checkout directly in the cash, no corresponding appointment will be displayed in the calendar.

    • If a venue change the treatment from the cash, the system considers the checkout has been created in the cash, so the corresponding appointment will be removed from the calendar.

    • outstanding banner not showing up for a customer: could be a validation issue (ex. there are two customers with the same phone number/email). Check in AA-customers using these details and remove the double contact from the not needed user.

    • Issue trying to collect a debt: "Line Items unable to find debt or drawing too much from it“. The issue could be caused by a "broken" debt, related to a wrong rounding process. In this example the debt total amount is 8,20€. But clicking on Edit Debt we see 8,199999999. To get the issue solved, just modify the debt amount, this case setting 8,2 and save

    Debt visualization

    set 8,2 instead of 8,19999999999