Introducing Packages and Multi Service Appointments

Introducing Packages and Multi Service Appointments

What are Packages?

A Package is a mix of treatments, such as a hair colour, cut and blowdry, and downtime, such as Cleanup time or Processing time. Cleanup time is a number of minutes added directly after a particular service to tidy up (this is never shown to the customer as part of their appointment time) while Processing time is time needed after a chemical is applied for it to develop (this time is included in the appointment time) but importantly, the Employee is free during this time to take another appointment.

Packages should be used only for those services you know will often be booked together (eg highlights and a hair cut) as all other combinations of more than one service (eg a facial followed by a massage) can be handled as Multi Service Bookings, selected by the customer while booking.

How do I set up a Package?

Packages are a combination of individual services, so firstly, review your services to check they have Cleanup Time set if/where necessary, and to add the new Processing time.

From the Menu, select the individual service you want to edit and under Services and Pricing you will see Cleanup and Processing Time options. You can select one, but not both of these, and change the drop down box on the right to the required amount of time. Save your change.

(info) Note that processing time is only enabled for specific treatment types selected for the service (hair colouring). 


Once you are happy the individual services you want to add to a Package are correct, from your Menu select Add Package. 

Select the Services you want to add to the Package and click through the individual headers (Services and Pricing, Images, Description, Fine Print and Distribution) to add the detail for your Package. Once finished, remember to Save.


How do Services with Clean Up / Processing Time display in the Calendar?

Cleanup time is displayed in the Calendar as a dotted line within the appointment. The customer's treatment ends when the solid green line finished, but the Employee is busy with Cleanup time during the dotted line, so not available for another booking until the end of the appointment:

Processing time is displayed in the Calendar as dotted line in between the services making up the appointment, and allows an additional service to be booked in that slot - the available space will be displayed in your diary, on Treatwell and via the booking widget. If an appointment is booked in that space, it will sit to the right of the Processing time.

What are Multi-Service Appointments?

Multi Service appointments are any combination of services that a customer chooses to book as one appointment. To support this and to encourage customers to select multiple services, we have built a 'basket' on our site:



When you receive a Multi Service appointment, you will see the full details, but will respond to the booking as one, rather than dealing with the individual services within that appointment:

Here's how incoming bookings will look in all versions of Connect:


You can also now add Multi Service appointments for your direct appointments in Connect, to save you entering multiple appointments for the same customer wanting 2 or more services consecutively. To add a Multi Service appointment, simply click on the "Add next service" button after filling in details of the first appointment: